Duncan McIntyre Riding for Health and Community
Our People

Riding for Health and Community


In the past, cycling wouldn’t have been the first thing you would’ve associated with Duncan McIntyre, and it wasn’t something he would’ve identified with himself. Back then, prioritizing health wasn’t top of mind for him until after his diagnosis. McIntyre, systems and integration director, EMEA, leads the European systems & integration team, driving growth in automated packaging solutions for Sealed Air’s food equipment division. In 2013, he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. McIntyre’s diagnosis wasn’t the start of despair, but the beginning of a purposeful focus on his health and a love for cycling.     

While living in Dubai, McIntyre’s passion for cycling grew, he was able to ride on purpose-built tracks in the desert working his way up to organized weekly bike rides up to 100 miles in distance. Over the last few years, he participated in several organized cycling events as well as riding regularly for his health and well-being with friends. With his newfound levels of fitness, McIntyre wanted to challenge himself to a longer bike ride. With the well-being support SEE prioritizes for its employees, McIntyre was able to take the time needed to fulfill the next step in his cycling and health journey by riding Bike the UK for MS. 

Bike the UK for MS organizes an annual 548-mile charitable bike ride for Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The ride follows a route around the north coast of Scotland, starting and ending in Inverness. Money raised will go towards research, treatments, and awareness of MS. McIntyre has deep family roots in Scotland and the opportunity to ride for his health and the community he was diagnosed into wasn’t one he would pass up.   

“Being an autoimmune sufferer has made it even more special to be able to raise money for ‘Bike the UK for MS.’ The distance we needed to cover over eight consecutive days was a little daunting, but I knew the support from family, friends, and co-workers would encourage me to complete the challenge. During the ride, I met with MS sufferers and witnessed firsthand the massive contribution fundraising makes to the daily lives of those battling the disease. I know all donations, no matter how small, will make a huge difference in the lives of these people,” said McIntyre. 

McIntyre ‘s journey to the start line wasn’t an obvious one, but with his diagnosis came a new appreciation for health and a great opportunity to support others living with an autoimmune disease. Click here to donate and support Duncan’s ride. Donations can be made from any country.  

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About the Author

Britney Callahan

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Author Name
Britney Callahan
Author Title
Staff Writer

Britney Callahan is the Content and Social Media Manager at Sealed Air. She writes stories about employees, company culture, and digital transformation, and is responsible for corporate social media content and strategy.