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Meet: Ekaterina Malinova – Finance Manager, ANZJK Region

At SEE, celebrating our people and their accomplishments is a core part of our culture. In our “Meet: Our People” series, you’ll hear directly from our people across the globe on what it’s like working at SEE, and a little bit about them outside of work.

Where are you located?

Melbourne, Australia.

How long have you been at SEE?

17 years.

My career path to my current role was:   

My career path to my current role has been quite a journey. I initially joined SEE as a temporary employee in the print department at the Tullamarine, Australia, plant back in 2006. Although I intended for it to be a short-term gig while I completed a course, fate had other plans. Fast forward 17 years, and I'm still proudly a part of the team.

During this time span from 2006 to the present, I've had the privilege of wearing different hats in various plants and departments across Australia-New Zealand. I started as a Print Operator, then took on roles like Quality Assurance Officer and Production Clerk at the Tullamarine plant. My journey continued with positions such as Assistant Accountant / Cost Accountant at the Fawkner plant, Tullamarine Plant Accountant, Dandenong Plant Accountant, ANZJK Business Analyst, and eventually Finance Manager ANZJK.

The advice I would give to new employees is:  

I'd recommend diving in with a proactive mindset. It's essential to familiarize yourself with the work environment, embrace a curious attitude, and don't hesitate to ask plenty of questions. One valuable tip is to keep thorough notes, as they can be incredibly helpful along your journey.

Given your experience in various positions and departments, what advice would you give to professionals who seek career growth within the same organization?

I suggest keeping your sights set on clear goals. Instead of getting bogged down by challenges, channel your energy into finding solutions. A solution-focused mindset can make a significant difference in your path to success.

Do you have any hobbies or activities you like to do outside of the office?

Outside of work, my greatest joy comes from spending quality time with my family. My two kids, a 9-year-old son and a 6-year-old daughter, and I have a blast making pizzas together, engaging in art and craft projects, exploring the park, and sharing movie moments. These precious moments are truly treasured.

We're also fortunate to live in a country surrounded by breathtaking water and stunning beaches.

During school breaks, you'll often find us soaking up the sun and making sandcastles on the beach.

What’s something you are passionate about besides your career?

I love traveling. Learning about different cultures, trying new foods, as well as visiting relatives living in different parts of the world always excites me so much. Although I was born and raised in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria), where everything is so close compared to the distances in Australia, I have not had the chance yet to travel to many of the European countries. In addition, I would love to return to Japan and Austria and go to places in Australia I have not visited yet. 

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Amanda Murvin

Amanda Murvin is an Internal Communications Manager at Sealed Air. She writes stories about employees, the employee experience, company culture, and is responsible for employee communications and strategy.

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Amanda Murvin
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Internal Communications Manager

Amanda Murvin is an Internal Communications Manager at Sealed Air. She writes stories about employees, the employee experience, company culture, and is responsible for employee communications and strategy.